
Thursday, June 30, 2011

One of my full page illustrations for the Chaoyue workbook. I was instructed to tell a story of one boy's summer in a single image. We see that in June he studied hard and worked hard, in July, he and a friend took a trip to Mexico, and in August he was back home and decided to rest and relax and be a very accomplished slacker.

I believe the point of this was so that the students studying this material could use this image as information and inspiration for writing, in Chinese, about his summer activities.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just a little drawing of a crowing rooster that I did for a friend's publication called Three. It was part of the second volume.

A Sinister Figure Catches the Eye

I was asked to make a little series of illustrations for my friend's story. Here, we see the friend in the background noticing a shady looking character compulsively lighting a lighter.

Andalusian Horse

I haven't really drawn with charcoal very much. This one here is the first one I tried. I gave it away long, long ago but I believe it was probably a six inch square or so in size.